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viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011


De paso por Lousiana no podiamos dejar de parar en la cuna del Jazz; asi que esta noche estuvimos en el French Quarter de New Orleans.
Comenzamos con una visita a la Plaza Jackson y algunas de las calles que la rodean.
La Catedral y el monumento al muy discutido Jackson (culpable de mas de una masacre de indios...).
Un tipico edificio de la ciudad del Jazz
Una turista con fondo de French Quarter. Y no dejen de ver el video que sigue... tiene sus bondades...
Sin lugar a dudas que Bourbon Street no es para menores... por si quedan dudas, aqui va una foto que llama la atencion del peaton.
El NO COVER del cartel no tiene nada que ver con la vestimenta de la chica.
Esta foto demuestra que no todo New Orleans se dedica exclusivamente a la musica...
Y esta otra muestra que hasta Perry podria pasarla bien aqui.
Al dia siguiente, bien temprano, a recorrer otras zonas de la ciudad del Jazz
Aqui un monumento a una francesa famosa...Y en el video que sigue, mostramos el Mercado Frances, que tiene poco y nada de Galo y mucho de cualquier cosa.
Espero que les haya gustado y...
Finalmente, terminado el paseo, a buscar el auto en el amplio estacionamiento con fondo de New Orleans.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011


Escrito por un americano que vive en Argentina... mientras otros muchos eligimos (algunas décadas atrás) vivir afuera!

"I like living in a country where an ideology still reigning in the US has come to grief; where crisis has enforced creativity; where the political spectrum is not exhausted by two colors; and where very little that matters is taken for granted among the people I know. It has also done me some kind of good to live in a country that, for all its troubles appears to be on the mend, rather than, like my own, the spellbound captive on its decline. At the moment the future looks bright for Argentina. Then again, it often has."
Benjamin Kunkel, Argentinidad, n+1, Number Eleven, Spring 2011

Benjamin Kunkel (born in 1972 in Colorado) is an American novelist. He co-founded and is a co-editor of the journal n+1. His first novel, Indecision, was published in 2005 by Random House.
He grew up in Eagle, Colorado, and was educated at St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, studied at Deep Springs College in California, graduated from Harvard University, and received his MFA in Creative Writing at Columbia University.
In addition to regularly writing for The New York Times, Kunkel has written for the magazines Dissent, The Nation, The New York Review of Books, The London Review of Books, The Believer, and The New Yorker.